Aunty Pen’s Stir Fried Chili Shrimp

Here is a really simple, Thai style stir fried chili shrimp dish from Aunty Pen’s recipe.


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Aunty Penn’s Minced Pork Toast

I went back to visit Bangkok, a city I love, this past summer after many years.

One of my very favorite things to do in Bangkok is spend an evening in our good friend Varong’s home where his amazing Aunty Pen does a cooking demo for me (and then of course we get to eat all the wonderful food).


 Aunty Penn is an amazing cook and I have learned so many of her wonderful recipes during my visits to Thailand. Click here to see some of her earlier recipes I posted.

Here was a really quick and tasty appetizer that Aunty Penn made for us. It’s a fried minced pork toast, which is really easy to make. You can substitute the minced pork with minced chicken, beef or shrimp.

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Thai Style Salmon Cakes

This super healthy recipe for fish cakes is from Chiva-Som, which is a wellness spa in Thailand and has some of the best food I have ever eaten. I love these fish cakes – you can use any fish you like and feel free to add spice to the recipe.
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Steamed Basa with Lemongrass and Sesame oil

This might be my new favorite quick and healthy fish recipe. Use a nice firm white fish when you cook this. In India, Basa fish works really well with this. Here in the U.S.  anything from sole, flounder to butterfish would be great. I love the delicate flavors the lemongrass and galangal impart onto the fish. This is a HUGE favorite with my kids too.

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Vegetable Summer Rolls

Here is a really healthy, easy veggie appetizer, which looks seriously impressive on a table.

You can use any crunchy vegetables that you have. Things like cabbage, bean sprouts, carrots and so on work really well in this mix. You can also mix it up by using raw vegetables such as cucumbers, turnips and so on.

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Crispy Vegetables with Sweet and Sour Sauce

One of our favorite Thai spots to eat in Delhi is called Ego Thai. One of the dishes they serve there is a tangy, crispy vegetable dish which is really excellent.
Of course my mother has recreated the recipe in her kitchen  and I’m amazed at just how easy it is. This dish is best when eaten hot. The sauce really adds a nice tangy flavor to the vegetables.



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Easy Pomelo Salad


Pomelo is one of our family’s favorite fruits.

It is a fabulous version of a large grapefruit that is very common in Thailand. It can be eaten in many ways but the most common ways are to eat it just as a fruit or make a salad with it.

I find that Pomelo is quite abundantly available in the fall season here in New York. I see it everywhere from the local Asian supermarkets to Costco.

This is a really simple salad I make with Pomelo.
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Chiva-Som, which is a wellness spa in Thailand, has some of the best food I have ever eaten. I am probably the only person who visited there and came back obsessed with the food versus the wellness activities.

I use the Chivasom cookbook frequently to recreate some of the magic of their cuisine.

Here is a recent recipe I tried which was really good.

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Who doesn’t love rice noodles?

Here is a really quick and healthy recipe, which is chockfull of vegetables. I usually use whatever veggies I have lying around in the fridge – you can always improvise with this recipe.

The main flavoring for these noodles comes from hon-tsuyu and sesame oil. If you don’t have hon-tsuyu, you can just use soy sauce and a little sugar.


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